This list is primarily for my book illustrations. But it can be modified for any type of creativity.
- Draw everyday.
- Redraw the same image MANY times.(Not just a couple drawings or even 10, but 20 plus drawings to help your brain figure stuff out.)
- Redraw the same image until you’ve practically memorized it.
- Use quality materials. I’ve tried cheap materials many times and it only makes things more difficult.
- Draw from life.
- Draw from photo’s
- Draw from memory.
- Change mediums. You never know what your brain prefers to create with.
- When sketching, use a pen so you can’t erase. If you don’t like what you did, move over on your paper and redraw it.
- Remember 80 to 90% of what you draw will not be good. Your brain is trying to work things out.
- If I need inspirational images I will choose from only respected and well known artists that I like as reference. This helps keep my taste in check.
- If you’ve been working on a drawing for a long time you might consider taking a break. Your brain will continue to work on it even if you’re doing something else.`